Friday, February 10, 2012

Where Is My Free $50 Bill?

Today the Administration in its Solomon like manner agreed to not force Catholic institutions to violate their religious beliefs but at the same time provide "free contraception" to those insured. Now the Government is not providing the free stuff, the Insurance carriers are. Let me see, can I get some of those free $50 from the printing house, I now use them instead of $20s, they buy the same at the gas pump and the grocery store.

Better yet, if you made a bad real estate decision the Government will give you free $20,000, well not directly, they made the bad banks do that, that is after they gave the bad banks billions.

Does anyone start to see a theme here somewhere.

There is no free lunch. Someone must pay, and that someone is those of us paying taxes. As I indicated before the current administration is spending $1,000 per month per person, up from $650 under the prior set of folks. And the new budget just gets worse! Any suggestions from out there?

POST NOTE: Again Greg Mankiw has keen insight into the obvious, a rare trait amongst many. As he states:

Yet it seems that the White House yesterday switched from A to B, and that change is being viewed by some as a significant accommodation to those who objected to policy A.  The whole thing leaves me scratching my head.

 My conspiratorial mind says that the Administration orchestrated this whole mess to get what they wanted in the first place. Did the Insurance industry have a hand here. As usual one must ask if anything is really as it appears, or is Mankiw's head scratching a true sign that is was not stupidity but a strategy. Then again perhaps I spent too much time in Russia.