Monday, November 11, 2013

When Did the Monarchy Begin?

I read a piece today in Science where the photo said:

"(the current president) Wants More Scientists"
"Where are Their Jobs?
Gone With The Sequester"

Now just think a moment about this placard. One which was professionally made, not cheap, and used at some public protest. The "King" does not want people to become scientists. The love of science makes competent people work hard and defer a great deal to achieve that, oftentimes independent or despite the Government. This placard makes a rather troubling statement. It is reflective of what has happened in just the last few years. It is a 10th Century serf like approach. We seek from the King favors, favors that make the King happy. Rather strange.

The article states:

A survey of public and private U.S. research universities released today finds that 70% of the 74 respondents report that sequestration has caused a reduction in federal research grants to their institutions and has slowed campus-based research. The biggest effects are fewer student positions (31%), a reduction in temporary or part-time staff positions (30%), and a decline in postdoctoral fellows (24%). Some 22% of respondents said they also have had to reduce the number of permanent staff members.

Many of these grants had exploded over the past decade. Some are good and some are a rather excessive wast of time and money. And worse some are funding the education of foreign students who upon completion return home, to China, India, and other nations who have become our competitors.

At what point are the researchers thankful for the funding from the taxpayers. Somehow I have seen a great disconnect here. It is even more so with young Gen X types who have the belief that they are owed this!