Saturday, January 12, 2019

Have we no Prisons, Have we no Jails?

When I see the overflowing trash in Washington as shown graphically by the NY Times I think little of the Government worker but all of the people who dumped it there. This demonstrates a clear issue of physical causality.

The "cause" of the trash is not the political battle but the people who dumped it there. Now the DC police are not on strike, so why not hand out littering tickets. Why not enforce these misdemeanors with picking up of the trash. A self solving system. Not only that but one can then fine them as well and have a self funding system.

Causality is an important concept. It is a critical principle in understanding our very existence. Showing an overflowing trash heap and stating a false cause is not only poor journalism but is "fake news".

Now let me take it a step further. Look at the NY subways, often filled with trash. If one were to use facial recognition to identify the trash disposers then perhaps we could do the same here. Send them down on the tracks and fine them. Perhaps a bit harsh, but it is causality again.

But the overflowing trash is emblematic of politics in general, and unfortunately of the press in particular.