The following are some principles with respect to a new view of what political thought should be focused on as we look towards the 2012 election.
The United States has gone through many changes in its very brief period of existence. As de Tocqueville had recognized in his journey through the very young country, America was built on a strong sense of individualism, but an individualism that engendered multiple associations of the people for a variety of purposes; charitable, economic, and political. There was a strong sense that anyone had the opportunity to take risks and follow an entrepreneurial spirit. It was this entrepreneurial individualism, unfettered by an excessive controlling central government, which fostered many of the innovative initiatives which launched the United States to a leadership position in the world.
The United States has always been concerned about its international relations, whether it was regarding the border countries of Mexico and Canada, or the management of its interests abroad and protection related thereto. The United States may have had its periods of isolationism but they have for the most part the country played a supportive and leading role in international relations. Many on the left bemoan that America has seen its best days and from here it is all downhill. These same people believe that the United States has a duty to transfer a tremendous amount of its people’s hard earned wealth to other less well-endowed countries so that there is a form of global equality. The thinking of many of these people is that growth has limits and that it is all a zero sum game.
We dispute this and we strongly believe that the United States is a vibrant, energetic and opportunity-rich country which has developed a strong an lasting democratic heritage based on the individual rights and not class rights. It is a country of opportunity and flexibility, one where the Government, for the most part, has stood as a sideline assistant to those creating the wealth for all, and the Government acts primarily as a protector of those rights.
There are three areas of Foreign Policy which need substantial strengthening.
Affirm Stronger Relationships with China and Russia: China and Russia still remain strategic competitors to the long term security of the United States. Russia as the second strongest global power in nuclear weapons has continued to strengthened that position and in fact has renewed and expanded it. Despite the good wishes of the START Treaty, its burden is more on the United States while allowing Russia time and resources to renew their arsenal. The United States has tried to soften its position with Russia by weakening our relationships with our allies such as Poland and the Czech Republic. China is presenting an even stronger threat, both via military expansion and through economic dominance. As a result of the economic disasters in the United States, China has become emboldened and empowered to expand its sphere of influence in Asia as well as other areas such as Africa and South America, and has also expanded its military competence into a “blue water” Navy, a sophisticated space program, the third largest nuclear arsenal, missile systems, stealth aircraft, and the largest army in the world.
Recognize and Take Affirmative Actions Against Global Terrorism: Global Terrorism today consists of several well defined threats, especially Islamist Terrorism. This requires first and foremost a clear and open recognition of the existence of such Islamist Terrorism for what it is and not to hide behind the façade of the politically correct. Islamist Terrorism is a fundamental threat to the very core existence of the United States and its founding principles. First it must be recognized and accepted as such, not ignored and swept under the carpet of political correctness. Second, it must be fought in a manner consistent with that of the terrorists, it must be relentless and using the full panoply of resources on a global scale strengthened by an intelligence community second to none. Our current intelligence community has expanded exponentially but with resources and assets which cannot be called upon to perform adequately, they are resources consistent with a Government which seeks representative breath rather than excellence in execution.
Strengthen Relationships with Long Time Allies: In an attempt to mollify those who would not necessary be our allies we have unfortunately weakened out ties to our long standing allies such as Israel. By not recognizing the threats for what they are we have taken positions with our long term allies that have weakened both them and the United States. Whether it be Israel, South Korea, Japan, Columbia, Poland, the Czech Republic, and many other strong strategic allies, we have again tried to mollify those whom have taken positions against our interest and our nation. We must take a clear position in recognizing those who will stand with us against tyranny, either of nations or of groups, and strengthen that bond and not weaken it.
Entrepreneurial Efforts are the heart of a successful US economy. That means we must have an economic system that respects the individual first, and allows that individual to take risks, create opportunities and can then execute the businesses in a manner free from excess control, taxation, and interference.
The recent Government Over-reaching in areas of Regulation, Control, and Management has stifled economic activity. The recent Health Care Bill is an example of the excess of over-reach on the part of the Government, mandating who must buy what and what they must buy, thus setting a level of cost burden on both the employee and the employer which makes competition difficult.
. The current deficit and debt situation of the United States is untenable. The use of a Fiscal Stimulus package whose results were a total failure and the Government takeover of automotive companies, banks, and the continued support of GSEs such as Fannie and Freddie have just burdened future taxpayers with colossal debt. The policies failed, as has been clearly seen in the monthly unemployment reports. The White House’s CEA Head had predicted month by month improvement which never materialized. Their predictions and projections were totally baseless. The United States must deal with its debts by first resisting the notion that more spending will make things better. They clearly do not, they have not and they will not. In addition it will be necessary to take difficult but reasonable stands on entitlements, both at the Federal and State levels, and changes will have to be made to them over reasonable periods.
Respect for the Individual: There is a trend to look at groups, minority and majority and fail to see the uniqueness of the individual and that our country was built upon individualism, the ability of a single person to set out and seek their fortune and success. Individualism means respect for all as equals, and that groups have meaning only as expression of those individuals in association with one another.
Support of the Free Market and elimination of “Too Big to Fail” : The Free Market principle fundamentally has been a cornerstone of our country, it is a principle that each has a opportunity to succeed but with that comes the chance to fail. We learn from our failures. Having the Government intercede in a natural process of the market sustains inefficiencies and places the economic burden on those who did not proper as a result. It is essential that our Government not take taxpayer funds to sustain automotive unions, despite the fact that at the same time the Government liquidated legal bond holders, and not sustain state employees and unions, who now make almost twice what the hard working worker makes, and banks and investment houses, whose employees exceed by orders of magnitude what any person may hope to earn in their lifetime. If the large banks were likely to fail, then they should resolve their problems and the Government, and the FED, should not, must not, give money away that is not theirs, and burden future generations so that a few may prosper to the extreme.
Respect for Property as an extension of the Individual: Concomitant with respect for the Individual and Individualism is respect for the individual’s property, not just their land and goods, but their wealth and person. The Government should not and must not encumber the assets and property of individuals with regulations and laws which reduce substantially its value to society as a whole.
Value in our Economy is Created by the Private Sector and not by Government Employees: The US is currently in a position where there are almost 2 workers in the private sector for every 1 worker in the Government or public sector. In addition the Government employees are paid twice that of the people in the private sector. Simply stated we have reached a tipping point where we must decide as a nation if we want a bloated public sector destroying the basic and core engine of our economy.