Thursday, December 20, 2018

Happy Ten Years Old

As I sit here in the Detroit Airport, having been fully body searched by a large TCA creature with a sadistic smile as he made certain that this grey haired 75 year old male in a suit was fully inspected from genital to genital, and you want these morons managing your health care, I think that today marks the 10th anniversary of this blog.

I have had some who asked why I write this thing. Good question, think of Detroit! In ten years we have seen in my opinion four major trends. First Government wants to take over more and more each day. Second, fantastic advances have taken place in medicine, unfortunately many to be undone by the burly man at Detroit with a badge. Third, the US knows less about other nations than at any other time. And vice versa. Fourth the control of privacy and information has gleefully been handed over to entities who have what appears in opinion to have no ethics, and are clueless about the topic.

Of course we have global warming, social justice,income inequality, deep state, immigration, etc as topics du jour. But the two most serious concerns for the next ten years is more Government takeovers and loss of privacy.

It will be interesting to see what happens over the next ten years. This blog has accumulates several million words and 300,000 readers. I refuse  Facebook, Twitter etc, they just want my identity. Google seems to allow me to speak, but there too one must wonder.

So looking forward, I am excited to see what it brings. Hopefully my flight arrives before than, and yes that that homunculus does not come back for a "feel". And just think, I am not crossing a border.