Sunday, April 7, 2019

More Taxes

I guess economists really have no idea as to technology. They just have a hammer and everything is a nail. The hammer is taxes.

One of the left wing economists is talking about that deal being pushed about. He says:

Bottom line: Forget all the MMT hocus-pocus. Any major new spending program will be paid for with conventional taxes, preferably right now. And the opportunity cost will be lower private spending. That’s not to say that all proposals for new government spending are unjustified. But in the case of global warming we don’t need more spending; we need more carbon taxes. K.I.S.S.

Yep, that's it folks. Just tax, tax, tax, and it will solve everything.

We can tax people with cancer, it will cure it, we can tax the poor, it will make them rich, we can tax, well you get the point.

If it is a technology problem, that carbon stuff, the solution is a technical solution. We have dozens. Taxing will not solve the problem. Implementing the technology, improving it, enhancing it, enabling it, will solve the problem. Hammer, hammer, hammer. Try a test tube.