Sunday, October 3, 2021

Again, What is an aerosol?

 Here we go. In the Sunday talk shows we have to note:

Anchor Margaret Brennan said, “There are two new studies out that show COVID has gotten better at transmitting through aerosols, just through the air. What does that mean? We’re going into cold weather, the holidays. Do people need to start looking around and say it is too risky to gather with family members if there are unvaccinated children?”

 Yes one must ask, what does the TV reader think she means? If at all. Aerosols are small droplets often containing water and air as well as viral particles, virions. That is how they get from person A to person B. Other ways may be via surface transfer but that seems to not work well with COVID. It is that little aerosol, in the air, that goes from A to B! By definition aerosols go through the air, Duh! "aero" like the airplane, flying through the air.

No wonder girls in a Southern University believe they got COVID from someone vaccinated! It is our defunct education system and political class.