Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Unreasonable Mind


I heard the NJ Gov, the Carpetbagger from Boston, state that New Jersey will be fossil fuel free by 2050. Namely no gas for cars, homes, mowers, etc. That means the gas heating system for your home must be removed and replaced with electric. Electricity will be the only permitted power source. No wood fire places, no gas lawn mowers, no gas cars.

Now there is the law of unintended consequences. Look at the current issue with the Murphy bags. These are the bags we all carry around in cars for shopping for anything that exceeds two items, one in each hand. No Murphy bag, no shopping. So what happened, home deliveries could not use plastic or even paper, but homes now have hundreds of Murphy bags. This is the unintended consequences, which of course are denied by the offending NJ politicians.

Now we move to electricity. In NJ the power fails every two months. Some times for hours sometimes for days even weeks. You see they electricity is coming to us from poles, wooden poled wrapped in tree branches. Heavy wind, broken branch, no power. I moved one of my companies from New Jersey to the Czech Republic, better reliable electricity. Yet now we all have back up generators, gas powered. But  the Carpetbagger and his allies will eliminate them. How many people will die as a result? They care not!

If this were to happen, we would have a single point of failure energy source, and if one drives along the local roads we see massive unsecured power lines. Imagine what a threat to them would look like. This is what happens when we get Carpetbaggers who are quasi religious zealots. It will cost more than $75,000 per home in this weeks dollars to make these changes. That is trillions just for these people, people already at the breaking point.

Will reason ever prevail again?