Tuesday, April 16, 2024

How MIT Has Changed ... Better or Worse

 During WW II MIT managed the Rad Labs, designing and implementing radar systems to protect US forces across the globe. Following that the technology developed led to the explosion of technology that became silicon valley as we know it.

Now MIT has entered the new world.  They note:

Part of ... postdoctoral research involves complementing her computational abilities by acquiring and improving her skills in biochemistry and cell biology, and tissue mechanics and engineering. Her current work on how clitoral anatomy relates to sexual function, especially after gynecological surgery, explores a topic that has seen little research, ... says, adding that her work could improve postoperative sexual function outcomes.

Yes, you read it right. No linger information theory, systems design, genetic structure, cancer research, but, well you can read it. Forty years ago a few MIT coeds published a Sex Survey, in "Thursday", a campus wide news sheet. It exploded with the Administration. Women rating male performance. But the above is now a fully funded research program. 

I wonder where MIT is going next. After its President being a Barbie aficionado, and doing nothing about the rampant antisemitism on campus, well one can just wonder.