Saturday, July 13, 2024

AI and Exams

 When I think back on the SATs, I remember the many multiple choice questions. In reading comprehension the questions were mainly tricks of some sort. On Medical Board exams the tricky questions abound. Typically they are the type of what is "not", or which "two" and so forth. The questions demand skills in reading comprehension more than medical skills.

Now using AI one may able to ask for a detailed written report demonstrating skills of diagnosis and treatment. The pros and cons of medicine. For example one is presented with a case, you then prepare a written long form answer and even ask for more tests etc. The AI system, for want of a better term, can analyze your long form answers and assess the quality of your work.

Gone would be any and all multiple choices. It would be akin to the old oral exams. I remember my Doctoral Orals, I learned more there than anywhere else. I learned how to give an answer on the fly and structure it to meet the demands of my audience.