Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sophists and Politics

 Plato wrote Sophist, describing the type in Athens. As noted by White (Plato Sophist, Hacken, 1993):

216a-218b: The visitor from Elea is introduced, and the area and manner of the discussion are chosen.

218b-219a: The visitor determines that an account of the sophist is needed, but that they need to practice on an easier subject first.

219a-221c: The division leading to the definition of angling.

22lc —223b: The first account of the sophist, as the hunter of rich young men.

223b-224d: The second account of the sophist, as a wholesaler of words and learning about virtue.

224d-e: The third and fourth accounts of the sophist, as the retailerseller of words and learning about virtue, made either by others or by himself.

224e-226a: The fifth account of sophistry, as the money-making branch of debating.

226a-231b: The sixth account of sophistry', as the refutation of the empty belief in one’s own wisdom.

23lb—e: Summary' of the previous accounts of the sophist.

232a-233a: The sophist claims to engage in controversies on all subjects; but he cannot possibly know about all topics.

233a—d: So the sophist’s capacity is to make people believe that they know the subjects that they engage in controversies and disputes about.

233d-234e: To make another comparison, consider a person who claims to be able to make anything, that is, someone with skill at imitation. For example, he might produce imitations by drawing, or with words.

234e-235c: Since the sophist does not know all things, he is a cheat and an imitator; so we should divide this kind up to reach an account of what he is.

235c —236d: Copy-making is divided into the making of likenesses, which arc like what they are copies of, and the making of appearances, which are not.

236d—237b: But this way of describing the sophist requires speaking of what is not, which Parmenides forbade us to do.

237b-e: Can we talk about that which in no way is? An argument seems to show that anyone who tries to say that which is not is not even speaking.

238a-c: None of those which are can be applied to that which is not; but to say that which is not itself is to apply some one of those which arc to it; so that which is not is completely unutterable.

Just think about it.