Wednesday, June 13, 2018


The Telegraph has a telling piece, especially explaining why we Irish have this, well let's call it our attitude, towards the English. The author is one Annabel Fenwick Elliott, a Dickensian name if ever there was one, who says it is her "right" to assault the customer sitting behind her by leaning her seat back no matter what. Yes assault, look up the term fair madam, it is in English Common Law. So are the remedies.

Now what specifically sets one off? The following:

Not only do I keep my seat reclined on every flight, in every situation, with the sole exception of meal times, but I slyly push that button - ever so gently - as soon as the plane takes off so that it tilts back with the force of the ascent, rather than wait until we’ve reached altitude, in a motion which feels less abrupt. Again, until now, this to me was just common sense and in fairness, not once have I ever been called out on it....“But I’m tall!” I hear you cry. “My knees are already crushed!” Being tall is an advantage in some situations (reaching things, attracting a mate) and a disadvantage in others (public transport, shopping for jeans). The average height of a man in the UK in 5ft 9in, a woman is 5ft 3in. If you happen to be taller, this is not your fault, but equally it is not my problem, not on a plane where all the seats are the same size.

 Well it is your fault now. You have just expressed intent, and element of English Law, mens rea if you will for those still properly educated. And one wonders why there is a general distaste for the English. Other than their occupying lands not their own for centuries, and in turn oppressing the local folks, the law they developed does have a double edge.

Oh, by the way, I am 6' 3" and have long legs which lock immediately upon sitting. And also Ms Fenwick-Elliot-Dunstable-Wentworth-Buckingham-whatever, my solicitors are not that friendly. See ya!