This is our tracking portfolio. We saw the drop after the change in Administration and the rise has continued with an annualized gain of 33.4% without the dividends and with dividends it is 38.9%. This seems to show, along with the data on housing and to some degree on GDP and slight turning of the economy, and one could say a great turn. Yet the concern is that this was done without much input from the Stimulus. Summers was asked repeatedly today on the NBC Meet The Press, as friendly a venue as you could have for this Administration, if the turn is occurring without the Stimulus then why the Stimulus.
He was adamant that it continue no matter what. I guess that is the good Professor Summers, he seems in my opinion to fixate on his present position until he comes up with his next position. Perhaps this works in academia but this is all of our economic lives he is playing with!
He was adamant that it continue no matter what. I guess that is the good Professor Summers, he seems in my opinion to fixate on his present position until he comes up with his next position. Perhaps this works in academia but this is all of our economic lives he is playing with!