Having been a very early adopter of Facebook and then gone years ago I never really understood the value proposition. Today almost every web page is filled with advertising trash, it pops up, slides around, blinks, makes noises, dumps cookies, and keeps attaching itself to every other page you examine. In addition you see silly comments by people you have no knowledge and then your name gets connected to data as if these were your interests. So what is the value proposition again?
In today;s Telegraph they state:
A study of how older teenagers use social media has found that Facebook is
“not just on the slide, it is basically dead and buried” and is being
replaced by simpler social networks such as Twitter and Snapchat. Young people now see the site as “uncool” and keep their profiles live purely
to stay in touch with older relatives, among whom it remains popular.
So what is the value proposition again? It appears as if they are "losing" subs and morphing into a billboard system. Having users is not the same as booking revenue.