Microsoft has tried over 40 times to download W10 to one of my computers, about the same for the other 8. That means 320 possible attempts. I think I finally shut it out by finding solutions of Google. But hour after hour of wasted time and my bandwidth. I have one new laptop with W10, it is OK, but I guess I will soon be seeing pop up ads from Microsoft. I would never buy anything from them nor would I consider buying from anyone who uses them to advertise. But alas the company in my opinion is going to the dogs.
I want an OS, so sell me one, don't make my life horrible with its attempts to monetize a relationship that does not exist. I really dislike Microsoft, but I also dislike colonoscopies and understand that they may be beneficial, in a limited amount.
I wonder if some smart lawyer will find a way to file a massive class action suit. The time wasted avoiding W10 and the time and productivity lost if perchance you download it and your drivers all die off. I assume the Microsoft lawyers have thought of this, perhaps not. This could make for a very wealth law firm. Perhaps...not being a lawyer...I seen many in action...but this smells like it could have legs. Watch for the shorts on Microsoft...time will tell.