Friday, November 2, 2018

A Modest Proposal to the White House

To the folks in the White House. I hear you have some problems with China. But then again China seems to be able to run railroads. So a suggestion.
NJ Transit and Amtrak are the most incompetently run railroads in the world if not the universe. So as part of the sweetener for China offer them the exclusive right to run Amtrak and NJ Transit, I would throw in the NY Subway, Metro North as well as the DC Metro. They could get exclusive rights to operate and govern the transportation system. After all they most likely have chips in stuff everywhere let then then operate what they have invested assets in already.

They would hire their own people, no unions, no employment codes, just Chinese methods. A bit harsh at times but perhaps the trains would run. Also we get Governors out of the mix along with a few mayors.

Just a thought.