Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Bees Again

Eureka Alert has an interesting piece on bumble bees, not honey bees, the European imports, somewhat weak but used by many artificially. They note:

"This study highlights the undervalued work that wild bees do," says Nicholson, noting that two-thirds of the world's most important crops benefit from bee pollination, including coffee, cacao (for chocolate) and many fruits and vegetables. "Without them farmers need to find pollination somewhere else, by paying high rental fees to bring in honeybees, for example."

 We noted this summer the explosion of bumble bees, Bombus genus, rather than the few honey bees. Bombus are great pollinators and seem well adapted to the environment. They do not seem to suffer from the diseases of the over bred honey bee.

In addition, you can actually pet a Bombus, they like humans.

Just some thoughts amidst the explosion of generally unreadable news.