Friday, February 22, 2019

Voting Rights in New Jersey?

Since New Jersey has been taken over completely by the Democrats, we are well into bankruptcy, technically, we see taxes exploding, roads collapsing, new government entities and entitlements exploding, and now the folks in Trenton want to delimit our rights to vote! Mussolini must be turning over in his grave, he never got this far. At least he got the trains to run on time, our folks keep having them fall off the tracks!

The latest, reported by North Jersey News, notes:

New Jersey Democrats are reviving a controversial effort to force President Donald Trump to release his tax returns or be denied a spot on the state's 2020 ballot. The state Senate on Thursday approved a bill — which the Legislature passed once before, in 2017, but which then-Gov. Chris Christie blocked by issuing a scathing veto — that would prohibit candidates for president and vice president from appearing on the ballot unless they make their tax returns public. Similar legislation has been introduced in at least 30 states but never enacted, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, meaning New Jersey would be the first to impose such a disclosure requirement if its measure is also approved by the Assembly and signed by Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat. 

The Governor will in my opinion sign this attempt to delimit the vote. Why not, he seems to be doing whatever will enshrine a one party system. Voting is a classic right. Boston is known for electing mayors while in prison. In New Jersey we have mayors who are getting multiple pensions while imprisoned. 

So why not just go all the way, abolish voting and let the Democrats in Trenton decide for all of us! And I was concerned when in Russia!