Monday, February 25, 2019

You Can't Make This Up

From the National Post we have the following:

The voracious use of toilet paper in the United States — with the average American using almost three rolls each week and major manufacturers spurning alternative fibres — is destroying Canada’s forests and causing widespread environmental damage, two international environmental groups say. A report on tissue paper use gave failing grades to the leading toilet paper, tissue and paper towel brands for using only virgin fibre pulp, mostly from Canada’s old boreal forests. “Forests are too vital to flush away,” says the report, called The Issue With Tissue, released Wednesday by Natural Resources Defense Council and, international nonprofit environmental organizations that cooperated on the study.

Yep, back to the old sandpaper material I remember from the Navy. This is part of the Green New Deal stuff we are hearing about. How about the bucket and left hand routine, corn cobs, oak leaves?

What I do not understand is that trees are plants. In fact I have in process some 72 Ginkgo seedlings which are to be transported to New Hampshire next year for my tree farm. Yes, I may not live to see their full growth, takes 300-400 years, but those trees outlive Hiroshima! Try a wipe on that paper!

Now tree farms are everywhere. It takes about 30 years to get a mature white pine suitable for harvesting. That is in New England. Now there are millions of acres and each tree needs just a small fraction for maturity, some 1,000 square feet. Thus 40 trees per acre for good growth. Play the math, it works, most of northern Maine is covered this way, not to mention much of Canada.

So plants have been farmed by humans now for well over 10,000 years and we are pretty good at t. I guess, except for TP! Oh Canada!