- Principle 1: Demonstrate Sustained Reductions in New COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations
- Principle 2: Expand Testing Capacity: At least double current diagnostic testing capacity etc
- Principle 3: Implement Robust Contact Tracing. This is the "army" of trackers. One wonders how this will work with the masses of protesters especially if many are from out of state.
- Principle 4: Secure Safe Places and Resources for Isolation and Quarantine. This means quarantine those infected. It takes "shelter in place" to the extreme.
- Principle 5: Execute a Responsible Economic Restart. This means doing what a politically well connected group of friends of the Governor tell us.
- Principle 6: Ensure New Jersey’s Resiliency. Somehow this means that before we can open the State the State must have prepared, approved, and implemented a plan as well as have created inventories to prepare for the next yet to be defined pandemic.
There has been this stress on science and numbers, yet none, none, of the above have been quantified or scientific.