Monday, May 23, 2022

Too Much Tech

 The old adage that form follows function has been abandoned by young designers who have no clue who uses their products. The NY Times has an excellent piece on the destruction of auto displays by introducing oversized ones that become deadly distractions.

They note:

Thirty-two years later, touch screens are not only back but mostly standard. The complaints are the same: The screens are equally useless and enraging. Distracted, frustrated drivers, of course, are dangers to themselves and everyone else on the road.

We now have designers from what I calls the 30s Club. Young, arrogant, often oblivious to form follows function and people who think their idea is always the best. The highway may become strewn with dead bodies but their new design can still be enhanced. 

Imagine if we had these egoists design Apollo to the moon. We would never have gotten their.

The problem is that there are no adults telling them that their ideas are nonsense. That is no longer allowed. Ultimately it will be massive law suits, dead bodies, and bankruptcies.The real problem is the 30s Club.