Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Christmas Letter

 Every year there are folks who send out the Christmas Letter. It extols their success and that of each member of their family and how well they are doing. 

I often have wondered why this is done. As we age the burdens of age pile up and some of us, if we were to be true writers of the year past, would list a set of trials and tribulations, age does that to us. And our children and grandchildren may also have faced challenges and may not be a world class oboe player or mountain climbing expert. 

Many people keep their challenges to themselves and unlike the may today who proclaim ever hung toe nail problem just take life a day at a time. 

This past year I have seen friends and colleagues deal with many challenges from children with cancer to the death of long time colleagues. I get no Christmas Letter from those whose life is a struggle. 

Then again I wonder if these letters are really what has happened. Or are they just made up stories to show how wonderful the life of these folks is. 

Perhaps we should just band these letters. We all have ups and downs, and our grandchildren are doing well or possibly struggling.