I did a quick calculation. Here we go. Assuming to have near zero blocking at stations we get:
Number Servers | 5 |
Arrival Rate | 0.02 |
Block Probability | 0.002 |
Holding Time | 45 |
E | 0.9 |
US Autos | 150,000,000 |
Number Sites | 1,953,125 |
Miles per Car | 200 |
Miles per day | 50 |
Days per charge | 4 |
Hours per day | 16 |
Arrival rate per car | 0.000260417 |
Cars per site | 76.8 |
To handle the cars in US with no
significant delay per site you need about 2 million charging sites
with 5 chargers per site! At 10,000 sq feet per site, 100x100
ft, you need 20 billion sq feet of new space!