Saturday, May 6, 2023

Electricity, NOT!

 We have argued again and again that an all electric society if a recipe for catastrophe. It seemed that few understood. So I was shocked, shocked, to see the NY Times detail the problem. They note:

The old, the frail and people who live in homes that are not well protected or insulated are most vulnerable, along with those who rely on electrically powered medical equipment or take medications that need to be refrigerated. Power outages make heat, already a major cause of avoidable deaths, even more of a threat, said Brian Stone Jr., a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has done research estimating how many people in Atlanta, Detroit and Phoenix would be exposed to extreme temperatures during power outages.

Namely the grid is grossly unreliable.  So the morons in NY banning gas have provided a plan to impale older folks and poorer folks on the spear of useless electrical grids. It is akin to the first steps in COVID, sending the frail to virus ridden homes to die.

I suspect that not one competent legislator in NY has a clue.