Wednesday, January 3, 2024

In Loco Parentis Circa 2024

 The MIT President, the sole surviving member of the University Presidents telling Congress their tales of woe, writes a letter to the MIT Community (includes us poor Alumni/Alumnae). Following through on the links one observes several facts.

1. MIT no longer helps students how to think but clearly tells them what to think. 

2. I counted hundreds of staff and faculty involved in overhead work as thought police. The costs of this must be enormous! That is why I have refused to donate another penny! The costs of this Stasi like infrastructure is clearly in the tens of millions a year.

3. There are so many goals and wishful thinking that it is impossible to follow any of them. Clarity is gone, transparency is dissolved into a miasma of proto Marxist speak.

4. MIT was know as an egalitarian institution, wherein ones background, genetic makeup, etc were incidental to your ability to produce. Your work was judged by competent peers and not controlled by policy Commissars. 

5. The current President in my opinion may well lead to the demise of the MIT that many of us knew and admired. 

Having been at this blog for now over fifteen years, I saw the changes in our society but I never anticipated that I would ever see the collapse of so cherished institution. MIT was never a place where you went to become indoctrinated by minions of mind changers. It appears to have become that now.