I was reading a set of comments in the Washington Post to an article and was interested in what one, apparently, Democrat said:
A blog containing opinion and analysis in a wide array of areas including the economy, health care, broadband and international relations.
The article was bemoaning the high unemployment amongst the over 65 job seekers. So this Democrats suggest we re-institute the WPA and send Grandma to the Appalachian Trail to cut through some new paths along the Blue Ridge.
Here is the logical and obvious problems with this comment:
1. The problem discussed was the 65+ and older worker. So the WPA is to solve this? Does this person have any knowledge of history?
2. The WPA costs money and does not create value. Do any of these people who comment have any idea of money, others, not theirs. The problem is that we need new jobs created by private industry which is stalled as a result of Government actions.
3. So voting for a Democrat solves the problem, look how we got here in the last two years!
The advantage of the Internet is to see how many people have half baked factless ideas. Pity because we may eventually go back to the mess again.