Cortes is alleged to have issued the order to "burn the boats". Simply there is no way back, you have no lifeline. You must move forward. The counter to that is the Wing Walkers Rule, "Don't let go of something until you have a firm hold on something else.". Entrepreneurs are of the former category. Corporate Executives are of the latter. Now the Left's assertion that the ACA enables someone to "take a chance" and try to become an entrepreneur is absurd at its face value. Entrepreneurs to be successful must believe that there is no way but forward. They have abandoned all that had come before and just move forward, not just "lean" forward, but to abandon all that had been safe and go where none have been.
Being an true creative entrepreneur means having faith that you can do the impossible because the challenge is there. Most good entrepreneurs I have known did not worry about health care, in fact the denied their very mortality. It did catch up from time to time, but they went into a state of total denial of any negative consequences. It was that drive that filters out the good from the wannabes.
There is a problem today that I see with the very concept of an entrepreneur. First we have academic institutions who try to "teach" it. In fact it is a Heidegger "throwness" to be an entrepreneur, you do not learn it you do it. Then the incubator concept, a comfortable transition environment to go and "think through" the plan. In reality it should be a garage, basement, spare room, and then the first office should be one where you have the early employees buy and assemble their low cost desks. If they want an expensive chair, no problem, let them buy it.
Cortes did not offer his mean health care, a pension, a nice work space, he burned the boats.