Things are really not that good. The real unemployment based on the workforce participation in January 2008 is about 9.75% and has remained constant. The percent population employed has remained steady and well below the 2008 number. The only reason unemployment is "low" is the farce concerning participation. DoL fails to count people out of work permanently.
Here we see employment and population and the gap is what is a concern. The gap is actually widening.
The real concern above is the workforce as percent population. It has decreased! That should send off alarm bells but alas no one any longer cares.
The above clearly shows the employment gap, that is the percent employed in 2008 times the new population less the actual new employees. This is a measure of what is necessary to go no where! It was negative last month and is near zero this month. That means there is no way to grow!
Finally we show the gap above. This is the worst recession recovery ever! And I believe it is getting worse.