Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Cancer Treatment and Unintended Consequences

The recent explosion in immunotherapy targeting such elements as PD-1 or PD-L! and others has demonstrated a significant positive step forward. However recent results indicate that there may also be a dark side to this process.

As Sarkizova and Hacohen have noted:

The T cells of the immune system have a key role in the identification and elimination of cells that pose a threat to the body, such as infected cells and cancer cells. ….(authors) propose a framework to assess how effectively tumours can be detected by T cells — a tumour property known as immunogenicity. The authors demonstrate that their models for assigning tumour-immunogenicity scores can be used to predict clinical responses to a type of cancer immunotherapy called checkpoint blockade.

Most cells in the body present peptide fragments known as antigens on their cell surface, which are generated from intracellular proteins. Each peptide is bound in a complex with a specialized receptor called an MHC class I protein (HLA class I in humans). T cells known as cytotoxic T cells police the body in search of cells displaying specific antigens, especially antigens from infectious organisms, or in the case of cancer, antigens known as neoantigens that have arisen as a result of a mutation. If the T-cell receptor (TCR) of a cytotoxic T cell recognizes and binds an antigen that is not normally present, the T cell will often unleash an attack that kills the cell displaying that antigen. TCRs are highly variable and have slightly different antigen-binding regions, enabling the immune system to recognize millions of antigens. Antigen binding to MHC proteins and TCR recognition of antigen–MHC complexes are key determinants of an immune response.

They continue with the discussion of checkpoints as follows:

Tumour cells often fight back against this immune-system surveillance by hijacking the natural mechanisms that dampen immune responses, which are normally intended to block autoimmmune attacks against healthy tissue. Checkpoint-blockade therapies can block these immuno-inhibitory signals, such as those generated by the ‘checkpoint’ PD-L1 protein4. However, only a subset of tumours treated with such therapies regress. Therefore, approaches are needed to identify the tumours that are most likely to respond to immunotherapy.

Current ways of predicting the effectiveness of checkpoint-blockade therapy rely on measuring the level of PD-L1 protein expressed by tumour cells, counting the number of T cells in a tumour, and estimating the number of different neoantigens that a tumour contains5. The work by Ɓuksza and Balachandran and their respective colleagues offers a new type of integrated model to predict whether a tumour will be attacked by T cells, a characteristic that they refer to as tumour fitness (low fitness being associated with a strong immune response against the tumour).

Thus in the best of worlds we see the result below. As Ludin and Zon note:

PD-1 is expressed on the surface of immune cells called T cells. When PD-1 is bound by a ligand produced by tumour cells, PD-1 signalling renders the T cell inactive, preventing immune responses that would destroy the tumour. Treatment with an antibody to PD-1 blocks ligand binding and so PD-1 signalling, instead promoting the PI3K signalling pathway, which is involved in T-cell activation. As such, anti-PD-1 treatment triggers an immune response,

Wartewig et al. have demonstrated that PD-1 signalling in a mouse model o f T cell non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma prevents proliferation of cancerous T cells (the source of the PD-1 ligand was not defined). In these mice, anti-PD-1 treatment can aggravate disease by reactivating the cancerous cells to enable then continuous proliferation.

Namely a tumor cell having a PD-L1 can be attacked by the T cells when we block this suppressor. We demonstrate this below. If PD-1 is matched with a PD-L1 then the T cell remains inactive. If we have an antibody used to block either PD-1 or PD-L1 then we can get T cell activation.

  In contrast if the bad cell is the T cell, or if there is such a cell present in addition to the other tumor, then removing this block may activate the malignant T cell and off we go with a second malignancy. The example we show below.

As Wartewig et al note:

By contrast, a homo- or heterozygous deletion of PD-1 allows unrestricted T cell growth after an oncogenic insult and leads to the rapid development of highly aggressive lymphomas in vivo that are readily transplantable to recipients. Thus, the inhibitory PD-1 receptor is a potent haploinsufficient tumour suppressor in T cell lymphomas that is frequently altered in human disease. These findings extend the known physiological functions of PD-1 beyond the prevention of immunopathology after antigen-induced T cell activation, and have implications for T cell lymphoma therapies and for current strategies that target PD-1 in the broader context of immuno-oncology

Namely we have the potential that certain cells have managed to block malignant T cells from multiplying and thus keep a hematological cancer under control. When attacking another cancer with a blockade it may then allow this blocked cell to proliferate.

As Giladi and Amit note:

The cells of the immune system, which patrol the blood and dwell in tissues, have many functions. They protect the body from pathogens and cancer, and orchestrate metabolism and the formation of organs. They are involved in almost every activity that regulates the body’s internal environment, from the development and remodelling of tissues to the clearance of dying cells and debris. So their dysfunction can cause many problems

This may be an obvious statement but it sets the path for what is to follow. The more one learns about the immune system the more we find a complexity of cells, not just T or B cells but T cells which perform different sets of functions. To understand this we need tools that allow us to ascertain what happens on a single cell basis. The authors continue:

First, it is clear that many of the current categories of immune cells, such as T cells or monocytes, encompass heterogeneous populations. To probe cellular complexity, researchers must therefore cast their nets wide, and try to collect all immune cells within a tissue or region of interest. This is a very different approach from that used with methods based on cell-surface markers, which aim to obtain as pure a sample as possible.

Second, success will depend, in part, on the extent to which researchers preserve the states of cells and the original composition of a tissue. Cell stress or death should be minimized to ensure that tissue preparation does not favour specific cell types. …

Third, bioinformaticians will need to develop scalable and robust algorithms to cope with greater numbers of cells, conflicting or overlapping programs of gene expression and fleeting developmental stages.

Fourth, after researchers have characterized all of the immune cells in a sample, they will need to find molecular markers that can be used to either enrich or deplete certain cell types in further samples.

The issue then is that it is essential to have in the "tool box" methods to carefully examine individual cells in situ. There are clear indications that cell interactions are complex, and also are extremely dynamic. The real question is: what level of depth of differentiation is essential for what level of patient care? As we noted above, there are cases where PD-1 blockage can on the one hand activate the immune system against the cancer and on the other hand suddenly activate dormant malignancies. Is this then just a "whack a mole" strategy against cancer, namely attacking one only to have then to attack a second resulting from the success of the first?

Fox and Loeb had previously attacked this issue from the perspective of breast cancer. They noted:

The total number of mutations that a tumour genome carries, including those present in only a small subset of cells, may in fact underlie the aggressiveness of different cancer subtypes. For example, the extent of genetic diversity within a tumour, and its divergence from normal tissue, probably influences the ability of the immune system to distinguish malignant cells from normal cells. Identifying the mechanisms by which cancer cells generate mutational heterogeneity may therefore present previously unexplored targets.

Single-cell sequencing will allow us to detect rare mutant subpopulations hidden within cancers that could expand and lead to drug resistance, and thus to avoid unnecessary and potentially harmful administration of ineffective, toxic therapies. Ultimately, the exceptional plasticity of the tumour genome may well prove to be a key characteristic of cancer11 and a major, as yet untapped, therapeutic vulnerability.

There clearly is a growing need to perform a multiplicity of single cell analyses. However this is a complex spatio-temporal result, with a great deal of extraneous information. We should understand how cells genetic makeup changes as a function of time and of location. Location is itself complex because it refers to what cells are adjacent and even just close. Furthermore many gene expressions or suppressions are irrelevant, just chaff in an attempt to track a target. The desire to measure single cells is but a first step. A "model" or paradigm of what is essential for understanding the "system" is essential.

1.     Fox and Loeb, One cell at a time, Nature, August 2014.
2.     Giladi and Amit, Immunology, one cell at a time, 6 July 2017 | Vol 547  | Nature | 2 7
3.     Ludin and Zon, The dark side of PD-1 receptor inhibition, Nature, 7 December 2017, VOL 552, p 41
4.     Lukasz et al, A neoantigen fitness model predicts tumour response to checkpoint blockade immunotherapy , Nature November 2017
5.     Sarkizova and Hacohen, How T cells spot tumour cells, Nature November 23 2017.
6.     Wartewig et al, PD-1 is a haploinsufficient suppressor of T cell lymphomagenesis, 7 December 2017, Vol 552, Nature, p. 121