NJBIZ reports on demands of the incoming Governor as to how to "improve" the State's Healthcare system.
Some observations:
Amend state law so that health care related state boards are not
self-governed. Instead, require that at least half of any of these
individual board’s memberships be comprised of individuals whose
professions are not directly regulated by that board, and who would be
representative of consumers that utilize the services overseen by the
board. In addition, the state should examine and issue a report on best
practices utilized by other states for health care related state boards.
That would mean politically appointed and motivated individuals having no knowledge of or interest in medicine but promulgating a politically supported agenda.
Revise state law to allow for the electronic delivery of insurance
materials and provide for such delivery as the default method, while
allowing consumers to opt in to the delivery of paper materials if they
Opt out seems to be pervasive in NJ. Especially with the Democrats. This would make every older person require electronic delivery and thus open it up to massive data fraud.
Amend state law (through the Division of Consumer Affairs) to expand the
kinds of services nurses, physician assistants or therapists can
perform without supervision and in general.
This is the Nurses full employment act. They are cheaper and even thought not qualified they become your only choice!
That New Jersey adopt a standard that imposes requirements that
providers offering services at hospitals participate in the same
networks as such hospitals, and that providers and facilities publicly
disclose the networks in which they participate.
If you are a specialist and the hospital at which you have privileges serves Medicaid then you must also! This will drive all specialists to private "clinics".
If you did not like Obama Care your will really thrill to Murphy Care! Another gift from Goldman Sachs.