Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Does This Make Sense?

The following quote made me read it several times.

"Today’s world is constructed on the injustices of the past. ... Where we are is no accident.”

Now one should think about this. In reality, difficult things happen to people. My father grew up in an orphanage with his six brothers and sisters. Am I defined by that act? Never thought of it other than moving forward. History helps to understand the past but the past does not or should not delimit what one can do. The present may work against it at times but if you cannot climb the mountain then go around it. There are many ways for the bear to get to the other-side of the mountain.

You are not defined by the past, especially in the US. There is no Class structure in the US as there is in England. You get your individual chance to ascend or descend. Telling someone that history and injustices generations past define your future is not only pathetic but it is morally wrong. Ockhamistic individualism allows each person to be what they can be. There is no class or people, each is an individual who can try whatever they want, albeit with taller mountains, but then again you can always hike around it.

Statements like the above are the bedrock of a victim culture and justify one's bad fortune. If one can learn the tricks of moving forward then do it.