Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Rationalism versus Empiricism

"Cogito ergo sum" said Descartes and thus began the struggle between mind and matter. The rationalist believes that all is in their heads, the empiricist believe that all is factual and represented by what is presented externally.

I was reminded of this today when my grandson called to say he saw a pickup truck in West Virginia with a bumper sticker stating, "I identify as a Prius". This allegedly allowed parking in select Prius spots. I do not know if he was ticked.

But the argument is simple. If person A identifies as X, and society approves of such rational self identification, then is it permissible for person B to identify person A as Y? If we accept such rational self identification, does it not then apply to all? For if the empiricist does not use their external facts, then the rationalist can use their own reason to do wherever the like?

Just a thought. I wonder if the bumper sticker is enough to get a good parking space?