Saturday, December 21, 2019

Eleven Years Old

We have been at this for eleven years. Back in 2008 the driver was initially the economy. Not so much now. Then it became healthcare, still is to some degree.

Over the years we have commented on things as diverse as cancer and bees, squirrels and yield curves. Overall some observations are worthy or note.

Politics is Off Limits: Politics as a topic is a swamp, not just the people. No matter what one says it tends to get other aggravated.

Religion is an Open Topic: I never would comment on John Paul II nor Benedict. The current fellow however seems to evoke continued commentary. Why? I suspect he is a closet Marxist but that is the opinion of an American.

Economics: The more I study it and its application the more I am convinced that it is a useless area of endeavor. Civil Engineers build bridges, Economists tell stories.

Cancer: In the past eleven years we have seen monumental advancements in treatment. However what has become clear is that each step forward tends to open doors or more questions and new insights. It appears as if it were and endless process. Yet if one wants to have great challenges with fantastic payoffs, try this area, the world really does not need another App!

Telecommunications: Despite the hype, the industry has consolidated into a duopoly. Technology in terms of 5G really is a natural progression of what I had projected some thirty years ago. It still has a way to go but it is getting there. Wireless will dominate because getting fiber to homes, despite what many of the unknowing attorneys state is very hard, politically.

Health Care: I spent much time examining health care.  Nothing has changed and Obamacare just kind of flopped. Universal health care is essential but it should be akin to auto insurance. However there are so many entrenched players that anything will take forever.

Obesity: This will be the most costly element in our society. Admittedly some 1-5% is genetic but given the explosion of self induced obesity that percent will drop.