Monday, August 17, 2020

16 Hours with Microsoft: The Belly of the Inferno

It started a day ago. I got the notice that my two machines were ready for upgrading W10. So stop all you are doing and start the process. My main machine takes about six hours. From the moment you say begin to the moment when you smile and have is working again, you sit and watch, like paint drying, hoping the morons at Microsoft have not released another one of their previous terrors which took over several of my machines a few releases back.

Then I had the bright idea. I would buy an update to Visio on an old machine. It is my machine I use when going to New Hampshire. It worked fine but the Visio which I use a lot was circa 2007 and ran like a dog. So began my journey into Hell, Microsoft Hell. After three hours I had managed to pay the exorbitant amount and it was loaded. Then I noted that in the process of loading it removed all my Office programs, Word, Excel etc. Gone! Lost! Destroyed. Now what.

Bright idea number one was to load an old version of Office from an XP. Bad idea. It was free but a mess. Oh well, back to Microsoft and download Office 2019. Not that 365 thing which costs a fortune. Pay another fee and try this down load about six times until it works. Total time, seven hours! I may be getting out of the Inferno, I prayed, I prayed a lot, you see when dealing with Microsoft prayer is your only outlet, only God can get it to work.

Finally after a cumulative of 16 hours in Hell I can return to my desk and get some work done. 

You see, the characters at Microsoft in my opinion and in my experience are near to the devil incarnate. Nothing is simple and directions are written in some extraterrestrial syntax. 

 Oh yes, the motto on the Microsoft web site should follow Dante, "Abandon all hope ye who enter".

This is written on Google. Let's hope they never hire a Microsoft character. Oh and yes, I hear the Microsoft characters want to tell us how to take care of ourselves. I would be very wary, or start praying a lot!