Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A Day Not to Repeat

 We hit 100F, that global warming thing I guess. But then the power went out. As usual. Seems the local power grid, if one can call it that, is a classic tree and branch allowing for single points of failure. Seems power folks never heard of ring networks or low failure rates. That is why I moved my company from New Jersey to Prague, reliable power. The Czechs know how to do things right. In NJ, not so much.

So power is back, happily I have a generator, but then I download a Dell update and the brand new system crashes. Dead! Call Dell, three hours on the phone, glad I bought the premium support package, and manage a patch, and am told I need to do a complete OS load and buy all new apps! So I gave it one last try to reboot with a Restore Point, looks like it was working and then power outage again, this time from 4PM to 2 AM. Fortunately I had the generator yet the temp closed in on 100F in computer room! 

Success, I think, Restore Point seems to have worked. Temps are to hit 103F today and 90% humidity. Bangkok was much better. Nicer people.

That is why NJ is a third world country, no offense to third world countries, perhaps it is a fourth world country. High taxes, bloated Government, failing infrastructure, high prices etc. Hope that tunnel across the Hudson does not collapse! Love the Goldman folks who are our rulers. 

It is worth noting that power utilities are stuck in the 19th century. Their networks are single points of failure, they spend a minimum amount on maintenance, betting on repairs being cheaper, their top management in my opinion focus on the bottom line and are generally ignorant of the key technologies. This is a key issue with Infrastructure. We really do not need more of the same. Telecom has evolved again and again. Not so for power, water, sewer. The Romans had a better network.

Also BTW, social distancing is very easy at 103F and 90% humidity.