Saturday, June 19, 2021

NJ 2021 06 19

 Another week and still a slow simmer. It would help to know the demographics of the newly infected. First the new infected for the state. Lower than last year and it should be.

The county has an almost constant 10 a day. If we had a competent epidemiologist then this would be driven to zero. I have never seen such inadequacy, but after all they are Government workers.
Deaths seem to be dropping. LTC are still about 1 a day. It shold be zero. Also the mortality rate for those now infected is 6%!
State prevalence is low
County shows that standard 10 per day times 12 days. Flat! Why?
New per day county and town. Look better
Doubling is up
Prevalence is still high, and again here we should be able to pinpoint the problem. Just about 100% of 65+ are vaccinated so who are these characters!
Normalized increases nationally still low
Vaccinations low but rising.