Saturday, September 18, 2021

Another Farewell

 Another colleague from my Warner days has passed away, Nick Davatzes. Nick was Gus Hauser's trusted confidant and managed to persuade me that an MIT PhD would find a home at a cable and movie company. 

Nick was a true gentleman. A rare find in the entertainment industry and frankly anywhere. I sought his advice from time to time and it was always spot on. I recall Nick's office at A&E as I was transitioning from NYNEX/Verizon to the venture world. Nick has no pile of personal stuff. His comments was that he was just the current occupant and when the next arrives had would have very little to carry out. That was one of the most critical insights I ever had.

In my dealings with Nick he was selfless and giving, especially of advice that was helpful. As a former Marine I saw him as one of the long line of leathernecks that had stood by me in my long career.

I will always be thankful for his advice and insight.