Friday, February 25, 2022

I Guess MIT's Beaver is Next to Fall

 The NY Times has an article about the surprises from Mother Nature that the woke New York City dwellers discovered when moving to the country. 


...the unexpected challenge of rural living was summed up in a single word: beavers. ... was enchanted by baby beavers swimming in the brook on his four-acre property in the town of Saugerties, N.Y., where he and his partner... have been sheltering since March 2020. “I quickly learned that they’re horrible, nasty creatures that wreak havoc and destruction,” said ... the head of a Manhattan public relations firm who still maintains a home in Harlem. The beavers dammed the brook in three places, creating a swamp behind the house, and built a den that is “the size of a small van.”

Now these are no Robert E Lee statues or the like but beavers. Common ordinary beavers. I have one on my MIT class ring.

But in today's world the NYC dweller declares these persona non grata, or animalia non grata. Frankly what did this character expect, the Four Seasons lounge, The Penninsula rooftop! But no, he calls them horrible. I wonder what they thought of him?

I suspect the cohorts in Cambridge will now seek to burn down all the beaver symbols. Beavers dam streams, they have a purpose. They create space for other creatures, whereas humans from NYC seem to just want to push them all out and then bemoan global worming stuff! Pity...