Saturday, July 16, 2022

Dumbest PSA Ever


The above is a snapshot of the NYC PSA abut what to do in the event of a nuclear attack. Having spent time in the 70s on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Negotiations I have a modicum of real understanding of a nuclear attack. Namely the end of everything. No "duck and cover". Now some facts to counter the dumb and dumber folks above.

1. A 50 MT 5000 ft blast will kill 20 million in NYC area in femto seconds. Dead, most vaporized. 

2. The same blast will get about 25 million more in a 100 mile radius. If the weapon is MIRVed then the initial total can reach 50 million real time.

3. Shut your window? Are you nuts, the thermal wave will melt it and the pressure wave will turn it back to sand.

4. Stay tuned to what! The EMP will wipe out all communications, fry every solid state device. And the Internet! Gonzo.

When you get stuff like this it shows one how grossly incompetent our Government employees truly are. Pity!