Wednesday, July 20, 2022

US Constitution vs English Constitution

 Prince Harry is a classic example of excess inbreeding and Royal Privilege. The US has a Constitution in black and white. Hundreds of millions of copies are floating about this planet. Just go a try and find the English Constitution. No where to be found. It is some amalgam of laws and agreements that lend itself to interpretation and the Royal assertions. 

Our Constitution gets "interpreted" by the Supreme Court and yes indeed the interpretations do change from time to time. In our laws, words mean something, at least they should, We have a Bill of Rights which is somewhat clear, we have amendments which also are somewhat clear. Oftentimes they get stretched and that is when we have problems. But there are the black and white texts we can go back to. If we do not like it we can change it, and change it again. Just look at prohibition.

As National Review notes regarding this dim witted Royal:

We’re living through a pandemic that continues to ravage communities in every corner of the globe,” he said in the speech to mark Nelson Mandela International Day. “Climate change wreaking havoc on our planet, with the most vulnerable suffering most of all. The few weaponizing lies and disinformation at the expense of the many. And from the horrific war in Ukraine to the rolling back of constitutional rights here in the United States, we are witnessing a global assault on democracy and freedom, the cause of Mandela’s life.”

Strange to have a Royal speak to Mandela. After all it was the Brits who mandated  the brutal treatments of the natives as they did to the Irish, Indians, and all other inhabitants of their alleged Empire. After all it was Henry II who "gave" Ireland to his useless offspring John in 1162 and for almost 800 years they slaughtered and butchered the people of Ireland. As to the alleged "constitutional rights" one assumes he means Roe v Wade. Now the problem there has been for the past fifty years, there is no right of privacy in the Constitution, shadow or otherwise. That does not mean that abortion is illegal, it means it is covered by other laws, if at all. 

Perhaps it is my Irish but to have this person who is but a guest of our country tell us what we should do I had thought we won the Revolutionary war!