Thursday, January 19, 2023

Persecuting Other Species or Speciphobia?

 Okay, let's try this on. Science has an article on eating insects. It attempts to make them necessary for human survival, and they assert:

Food insecurity may emerge from climate change, extreme weather events such as prolonged droughts and floods, ongoing global supply chain problems, and unpredictable geopolitical conflicts. In particular, the growing populations of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) will require more accessible, affordable, and sustainable nutrition. To this end, upscaling traditional agriculture and livestock production is not a sustainable solution because these industries are themselves a driver of the climate crisis. The growing popularity of vegetarianism and veganism and the shift to plant-based or lab-grown meat are commendable efforts to solve these problems, but they may not be applicable or practical for every country. Farming insects for food generally requires much less resources compared with meat production. Edible insects can also supplement other diets by providing a different roster of nutrients and present an opportunity to improve food security.

So to test out this demand of the woke mob I spoke with my friends in my back yard. First was Antnee squirrel, a long time mentor and confidant. His response was classic:

"Bugs sir, why would anyone eat bugs. We gave them up millennia ago when you humans came upon the scene. You leave lots of good stuff for us, as you do now sir, fresh peanuts, blueberries, cheese,  and the like sir. Why sir, bugs are the feat of birds, and of course your nemesis the bats."

Well indeed, what would be left for bats if we devoured their food source. Then Antnee told me about dozens of bird familys that devour insects.

He then said that the plants rely upon their gatherings to propagate, if we eliminated insects for voracious humans then what of the plants, and their contribution to generating oxygen and eliminating CO2. 

Antnee said:

"Horror, sir, horror. Just leave the little buggers to themselves. You humans have a tendency sir to assume you know everything. You should get these people out here and see what really happens."

Antnee just waddled away with three peanuts stuffed in his mouth, happy not to have to eat bugs!