Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Taught vs Learn

 I recall that in my Senior Year at High School, I wanted to take Solid Geometry. Looking back I have no idea why, but New York offered a Regents exam, the most advanced, and you could take it. BUT, if you took it without having been taught you needed a 75 to pass whereas if you had been taught you just needed 65. Needless to say neither levels concerned me.

So I told my Principal I wanted to take the Regents exam and I would learn it on my own. He had to figure out if that was possible, I had already been a step ahead of him. It was. So come June 1961 I sat alone and took the exam, and of course I did quite well. All I could learn from was the Barrons answer book for that Regents exam. I had no idea how to get a text, this was before Amazon and credit cards.

The lesson, most things must be learned and not taught. In fact, success comes from learning not being taught, especially in today's worked where information is abundant.

So why this tale? Simple, if Florida does not want to "teach" an AP exam the go out and "learn" it. It is like the SATs. Get the Barrons book, go through every page, do every problem and d it again. You will ace the SAT. You will "learn" how to ace it. No one "teaches" it to you. So stop bemoaning life and "learn" something, everything!