Sunday, December 10, 2023

MIT Corporation Members 1961


The above is a list of the MIT Corporation Members from 1961, the year I started college. Note that almost all are from industry, leaders in large corporations at the heart of the growing country. Bush, Killian and Stratton were substantial leaders, all having worked us through WW II. Jimmy Doolittle, of the famous Tokyo raid in 1942, and MIT PhD, was also on the Board.

Try and find any folks like this today on the ECOM. Thus the problems with a President originate from the Corporation ECOM and the like. The ECOM appears to be a fund raising entity, thus the individuals are reflective of today's VC and equivalent community. 

I have noted that the Alumni Assn nominated Corporation members. The Alumni are supposed to elect the Officers of the Alumni Association. However, I cannot recall any request to vote for these people in the last decade. It seems in my opinion to have become a closed club of members who care less.