Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Thermometer: A Tale in Design

 Design is an art. The old adage, form follows function, has meaning. Let me tell you the tale of a thermometer. Decades ago we had the simple oral thermometer. It was filled with mercury, had markings, You put it in the mouth, waited a bit, usually a minute, then took it out and read the height of the mercury against the markings. You got the temperature.

Along comes electronics. Early electronic thermometers mimicked the mercury ones in function.. Just now you put it on the temple, pushed a button and out came the temperature. Reasonable, not perfect but fit the job. Along come the new designers, adding more features, forms, so you could do this measuring "better" I just got one by Braun, even measure soup, baby food, but seems not to do well with humans! Why, the design went well beyond the function! There is a point in design where it is perfect, so stop there.However today's designed have the arrogance of the young generation, they want to imprint their way something should be done!  Of course they forget the use and the user, arrogance of youth and designers have come to be the hallmark of so many things! Pity!

I once had a person in one of my groups who had great insight into design. He would often say that a toaster just toasts bread, it does not open cans and make coffee. There were other products that did this. Which is why our kitchen counters are filled with gadgets.