Saturday, May 18, 2024

Don't Forget COVID

 From early March of 2020 and for the next three years plus, COVID was a sword hanging over our heads. Masks, gloves, tests, vaccines, and a massive hit to the economy and the social fabric. But it now seems all behind us? Not really, the CDC has just gone dark, as usual, and the Government has apparently learned nothing, worse, they just have learned more control mechanisms.

In Nature there is an interesting piece about the Government funded entity that was aligned with the Wuhan Lab. They note:

The HHS memo says that, according to a forensic audit performed by the NIH, EcoHealth was never locked out of the system. Federal auditors have cited the NIH for not pursuing the late report and recommended that the agency intensify its monitoring of foreign institutions that receive NIH funds. Addressing the HHS’s allegation that EcoHealth failed to respond adequately to the NIH’s requests for information and materials related to the WIV’s research, the spokesperson said that, considering the geopolitical pressure on US–China relations during the pandemic, and that the HHS, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the intelligence community were all unable to get evidential information out of the WIV, “it is outrageous to propose this as grounds to debar our organization”. (The WHO organized an initial investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic in China, but further efforts were stymied by that country’s lack of cooperation.)

The Government via NIH entities funded this entity that many have questioned as Nature recounts. We need competent, credible, and trustworthy entities to monitor and report on new viral threats. These entities must be transparent informing professional and public parties. CDC in my opinion has continually failed to do so. WHO has some access but it at times is also questionable.