Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Arrogance of the Academic

 Those in the Academy look at the folks who have not been properly indoctrinated as lesser creatures. After all, their high and mighty position makes them infallible and worth of being heeded. Take for example this Academic who states:

According to the recent NBC poll, among white voters, those with a college degree favor Harris by a margin of  21 points, while those without a college degree favor Trump by a margin of 28 points.

 Imputed in this statement is that college educated are smarter and they then choose the better candidate. Leaving aside the choice of a specific candidate this statement displays the arrogance of the academic. College, for many, is just a clear waste of time. Other than engineering or some sciences, college is just a mish mash of useless studies. From sociology, psychology, political history, modern literature, etc. Most os slanted studies of no useful benefit to mankind. In fact much is just indoctrination. Is is tough to indoctrinate organic chemistry or structural mechanics, but I leave that for another day.

Those without a college degree may frankly know more about reality than those with a degree. First they may have worked for the time those with a college degree were being indoctrinated. Second, they may have learned by doing, not by being told what to do.

Thus the above statement should be interpreted in a more broader context. Why the difference? Not because they are smarter or dumber, but because perhaps the indoctrination did or did not occur.

This is the problem with today's academics. They make a statement hoping to exude their brilliance yet fail to understand the complexity of its interpretation.