Sunday, November 24, 2024

Death of The Media?

 It is somewhat fortunate to be old enough to remember life before television.In the late 40s and early 50s at best we had a radio. There were many newspapers where the readers chose the paper of their choice, from the Telegram on the right to the Post on the left. Each newspaper had its audience as we have today with say Pod Casts.

In addition one even had short wave radio, allowing reception of the BBC at one end and Radio Moscow at the other. At 9 years of age I listened to Radio Moscow almost every night. It was well produced and told news that one would not get even on the BBC. It never occurred to me as a 9 year old that it might be propaganda. 

But by the late 50s TV was becoming common, we now had one. Network TV, The Media as we would come to know it, was just at night. Cronkite for News and then 3 hours of some form of programming. This was the Media, a common set of views, controlled by certain groups. By the 60s Cronkite was an alter ego to Washington. It happened ever so quickly. By the 90s the news papers disappeared, the Post became right wing, but the NY Times remained ever so to the left.

Then comes the Internet and Social Media. Social Media is as I noted in the late 2000s, a true psychological weapon. It finds out the psychological profile of a user and then provided the targeted propaganda. A great weapon for the Government. But it seems that it is slowly collapsing. Its collapse is by segmenting, separate echo chambers, with self selection. Most users are clueless to the propaganda they are receiving. They have been psychologically profiled, self selected, and then driven by the never ending propaganda. 

Unfortunately universities no longer serve the purpose of education. As more students, many truly unqualified to be educated, get to universities, they are dipped into the endless propaganda. University faculty and administration are selected to enhance this propaganda process. Education qua learning has been destroyed. My classic example is MIT and the DEI police in each department. Why theoretic physics or pure math need such is beyond me. 

Thus perhaps the destruction of The Media as we know it may be highly beneficial. Yet the lasting destruction of minds by universities must also be addressed.