Sunday, March 10, 2019


I have had the good fortune to have worked with computers for almost 60 years, starting in late 1962. I know I am stretching a bit but it was in college and we got an old IBM punch paper tape machine. My first introduction to interfaces or connectors.

Now I am in the process of replacing an old flat screen monitor. It had a VGA interface. That was all I needed. But now the new ones come with six or more different versions, and then you need a VGA to HDMI to DP1.2 to USB 3 etc. Every few months a new connector or interface is added and you need some x:y connector and then a y:x connector or an a:b:c:...:x:y combo. But then there is DP 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc.

Stop for a moment!

I now have boxes of cables and connectors and I guarantee you the one I need is not there!

I also have Ethernet, WiFi, coax, fiber, and the list goes on.

What do people who do not have 60 years experience, actually more if you consider my amateur radio days, plus a PhD from MIT in EECS and decades doing this stuff do if they get a new monitor!

Guys, get a hold of yourselves. I just want to type, send a few emails, look at news feeds! Enough already!