Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Grad Student Strike?

The Harvard Crimson details the current status of the proposed Grad Student strike. They note:

Graduate students across the University will begin voting Tuesday whether to authorize a student worker strike, marking an escalation in the negotiation process that began exactly one year ago.
Harvard Graduate Students Union-United Automobile Workers’ bargaining committee announced their plans to hold a strike authorization vote Oct. 8 as major contractual issues — including compensation, healthcare, and harassment and discrimination protections — remain unresolved.
“This is our chance to make our voices heard loud and clear to the administration, and to declare forcefully that the Administration must move on our key issues we care most about and negotiate the contract we deserve,” the bargaining committee wrote in an email to its members Friday.

It should be interesting. Demands seem to be escalating and the question is; who teaches classes if no grad students? Also does striking mean no work on thesis, labs come to a halt, etc. There can be a lot of unanticipated consequences. It should be fun to watch.

The Academy is no longer what it used to be. Most likely I could never get admitted in today's world, and that is something coming from someone who lived through the 60s riots in Harvard Square.

Alumni funding fifty years from now should be interesting.