Thursday, October 17, 2019

Weaponized Therapeutics?

There is an ever building concern that a multiplicity of prescription and over the counter medications are not only tainted but can be weaponized against the US. In a recent Becker's article we see just a small tip of the iceberg. They note:

The FDA has named  ... one of the main culprits behind the manufacturing of tainted blood pressure medicines. The agency has issued a warning letter to ... for violating several good manufacturing practices and said the drugmaker "has been one subject of an ongoing global investigation into nitrosamine impurities in angiotensin II receptor blockers such as valsartan, losartan and irbesartan." The FDA said the drugmaker had manufacturing issues at its plant in India that contributed to the production of tainted blood pressure drugs. 

Given the complexity and targeting capability of many of the newer therapeutics a foreign manufacturer could actually target individuals.

Frankly allowing off shore manufacture of aspirin, ibuprofen, etc opens the gates for massive attacks on the homeland. The FDA just does not have the resources to monitor these plants.